Welcome to the official Moos.app documentation.
There is also a short visual introduction. It shows up when you run the app for the first time. You can also find it in: Search -> Introduction.
Another way to explore the program is to look for the gold coins. These will tell you little bits of information about how to use the app. If you already found all of them you can bring them back in: Search -> Bring back the coins.
I suggest roughly skimming this document early on in your moos.app journey. After that you can come back to read specific sections when needed. You can search using Ctrl+f in this document.
If this document does not provide enough help paid users can join the forum to get help.
We've got some awesome examples on our home page. You can also open this from the search panel: Search -> examples.
If you want to have the documentation open while using the app you can open the documentation in a new tab/window.
Building a project in moos.app generally follows the following steps:
The side panel shows information about objects inside this scene and is divided in two sections.
All objects inside the current scene are shown here. Objects that are higher up in the objects panel will overlap objects lower in the panel.
You can see the first object is called "Camera". This is a special object that is always present and always on top. It determines the location that the user will be looking at when viewing the project. The camera shows the name of the current scene next to it, double click it to change the scene name.
The blue highlighted objects are selected. When an object is selected a hamburger icon appears next to it. If we want to move both of these objects into the group we need to click and drag this hamburger icon towards the other children of the group. A blue line will appear telling us where the objects will land.
The object with a rectangle icon is an object named "My rectangle". You can give an object a name by double clicking on it. It is a good practice to name your objects because it will be easier to identify them when they appear in other scenes (The same object can appear in multiple scenes).
Shows the properties of the selected objects. Each object has its own set of properties.
Appear on the right side. The property name can be clicked to select the property. You can see that the scale property is selected in the image.
On the right side the property value is shown. These values can appear black in which case they are explicitly set (a keyframe) or gray in which case they are calculated or default values. You can change the value expression by clicking on the property value text, this will open the expression editor.
In the image the radius is shown as "100" explicitly set. What we could do is open the timeline panel and change the current time. This will turn the radius property gray. If only one keyframe has been set the radius will show "100" in gray. If multiple keyframes are set the value will be interpolated. A value of "100" at time 0s and a value of "200" at time 1s will show "150" at time 0.5s.
When a property has no keyframes it will have a default value shown in gray.
If a property has a value you want to remove you can select it by clicking on the property name and pressing the "delete" key. The property value will then turn gray.
If multiple selected objects contain the same properties but the values are different "Mixed" will be shown. In this image position is an example of that. To set the position of both objects click on "Mixed" Which will open the expression editor.
The strokeColor and fillColor properties have the expression type color. A rectangle showing the color is shown next to them (transparent and almost white in this case). Click inside this rectangle to open the color picker screen.
Number properties such as rotation, opacity and radius in this image show an arrow next to them. click and drag this arrow up and down to quickly update a value. Small values will scrub slower then higher values.
To open the timeline press "t". The timeline shows the keyframes of the selected objects. If properties are selected it will only show the keyframes of the selected properties.
You can play by clicking the play button or pressing space. Rewind by double pressing space. To move to a specific time click and drag the whole panel left and right. The current time of the scene will be shown in the timeline (0.3s here).
When changing properties of objects keyframes will automatically be created. The keyframe will be created under the current time line (shown in gray) in the middle of the image.
Select keyframes by clicking on them, they will then turn blue. You can select all or none keyframes by selecting one and then pressing ctrl+a or ctrl+shift+a respectively.
After selecting keyframes a small box with the "<>" icon will appear. Click and drag left or right to move the selected keyframe to another time. Click the icon to deselect all.
You can see in the image that the selected keyframe has "Linear" easing applied. Click on the "Linear" box to change the easing of the selected keyframes.
Delete keyframes by selecting them and pressing delete.
Press escape or click the X on the right to close the timeline panel.
The search screen lets you quickly find functionality and documentation. Most functionality available can be executed from here.
Navigate by using the arrow keys or by typing into the search bar. The highlighted (in blue) item will be executed when pressing enter or clicked.
In the image you can see that the user is currently searching for "sel" in the "/objects" directory. The search phrase will be searched in titles and descriptions.
You can change the name of the project by clicking on it. In this image the name of the project is "Hello world".
Save & sync times, publish project, project stats, export project, delete project.
Allows you to see all scenes in the project and switch between them.
All scenes that are contained inside a track are shown horizontally. Each track has a "track behavior" applied. In the image above it is "Step by Step". Click On it to choose another one. Click on the gear to change settings specific to this track behavior.
The plus button at the button can be used to create a new track with one scene. Tracks always need at least one scene.
A button (not shown in the image) at the top allows you to select scenes. In the image we have clicked that button and a green bar appeared. Now we can Select scenes.
In the image you can see green circles between the scenes. These become visible when you select scenes. Clicking on them will move the scenes to the position of the circle you clicked.
Select scenes and click delete at the top to delete the selected scenes.
Click a property value to open the expression editor. You can input values at the top. The expression editor will tell you if the values you put in make sense. It also shows documentation.
Allows selecting a color using several methods. The old color is shown on the left and the new color is shown on the right. Choose a color by pressing enter or clicking the cross in the top right.
examples of possible values: royalblue, #eee, #2d44a6, rgb(100, 30, 255), hsl(150, 50, 30)
Click an empty box to add a color to it. Long click to remove it. Click a box with a color in it to select it.
Pick a color among the list of standard HTML color names.
Pick a color by sliding Hue, Saturation and Lightness (HSL) sliders.
Pick a color from the viewport. Click the color you want to select and then the box in the bottom to select it.
A random opaque color
A special object that is always present in a scene. This object will determine what the user will look at. Changing the name of this object also changes the name of the current scene.
A regular rectangle with fill and stroke.
A regular circle with fill and stroke.
A line that can be dashed and trimmed.
A polygon with a single fill color. This object can only be obtained by importing a SVG with a filled path.
An image object can be created by dropping a JPG or PNG image inside the editor.
A collection of objects.
Hold the shift key, a rectangle on the right side of the screen will appear. This is the selection button, press it when you want to select something.
Press shift and click on an object to select it. Click again to deselect that object. When there is another object under the selected object clicking again will select that object instead. Clicking on a selected group will select an object inside that group.
Hold shift and drag over the viewport, a blue rectangle will appear. All objects inside the blue rectangle will be selected
Click on objects in the object panel to select them.
when pressing ctrl+a all objects will be selected. If there were already objects selected only neighbors will be selected. If all neighbors were already selected all children (if there are any) will be selected.
You can deselect all by pressing ctrl+shift+a
Select one or multiple objects, then click and drag inside a selection rectangle to move the selected objects. Objects will snap to the edges of other objects in the viewport. Objects will not snap to objects that are outside the viewport. Alternatively you can click the position property in the properties panel which will open the expression editor. There you can set the position manually.
Select one or multiple objects, then click and hold outside the selection rectangle. A circle will appear. If you drag along this circle all selected objects will be rotated. You can also click the rotation property inside the properties panel and set the rotation of the selected objects manually.
Select one or multiple objects, then click and hold outside the selection rectangle. A circle will appear. Drag towards the center of this circle to scale all selected objects down. Drag outwards to scale up. You can also click the scale property in the properties panel to set the scale manually.
If you want one object to appear on top of another object select it in the side panel. A hamburger icon will appear. By dragging the icon up a blue line appears which indicates where the object will land. Higher objects in the side panel will overlap objects that are lower in the list.
If you want to place an object after a group move your pointer to the left side of the side panel. the blue line that indicates where the object will land will move left. If you want to place an object at the end of a groups children list move your pointer to the right, the blue line will indent to the indentation of the group.
Select one or multiple objects and press delete. You can also press the remove button in the quickMenu.
Most of the time you want properties to be simple values. You draw a circle and its position and radius properties will be set. But sometimes you want to do more complicated stuff. Maybe you want an object fixed on screen instead of moving with the camera. Maybe you want an object to rotate over time. Maybe you want to control a value by having it set by the page the project is embedded on. For these things you need to use expressions.
To get a better feel for what expressions look like here are some examples:
As you can see expressions look a bit like mathematical expressions, they contain numbers, variables and functions. One difference is that expressions can contain different "types" than just numbers.
Syntax | Description |
-123.20e-5 | A number: Optional minus sign (-) + some digits + optional (.) and digits + optional scientific notation (e) (-) some digits. |
Infinity | A number written as literal "Infinity" (Capital I) |
1 + 2 * 3 | Operators like + and * can exist between values. Normal precedence rules apply, this expression returns 7. Valid operators: + - * / % ^ > < >= <= != == |
(1 + 2) * 3 | Groups change the precedence of an expression. A group is a sub expression surrounded by parenthesis. This expression returns 9 |
!(1 > 2) | The not operator "!" followed by a sub expression (no whitespace in between). The sub expression should return a boolean |
"Hello world" | Strings are text with quotes around it. Use a backslash to write a literal double quote (\") |
(5, -6) | Vectors are written as two numbers with parenthesis around it and separated by a comma |
true | Booleans are written as literal "true" and "false" |
pi | Variables contain a value just like x in a mathematical expression |
max(3, 4) | Functions start with an identifier and then the arguments separated by commas and surrounded by parenthesis. There should be no whitespace between the identifier and the parenthesis |
You can think of types like a unit of measurement. If we got a basket with 2 apples and a basket with 4 apples we can put them together which makes 6 apples. On the other hand if we got 3 oranges and 2 apples we cannot put them together because 5 appanges is not a thing. You can think of apples as a type. Our expression language does not have apples or oranges but it has some other types, some of which you'll be familiar with and some that might be new to you.
This is probably the most well known type. Numbers use a dot (.) for decimals. You can also use scientific notation (1e10). Here are some examples:
Here are some examples of expressions with numbers:
Expression | Result |
1 + 1 | 2 |
1 + 2 * 3 | 7 |
(1 + 2) * 3 | 9 |
floor(45.12) | 45 |
ceil(45.12) | 46 |
round(45.12) | 45 |
5 * (2, 3) | (10, 15) |
9 % 3 | 0 |
if(true, 2, 3) | 2 |
if(false, 2, 3) | 3 |
lerp(10, 20, 0.5) | 15 |
max(1,2,3,4) | 4 |
5 > 10 | false |
10 >= 10 | true |
1 != 2 | true |
time | 3000 |
pi | 3.141592653589793 |
if(min(10, -5, 3) >= 3 * -1, 2, 3) | 3 |
A vector consists of two numbers and is used for things like position. For position the first component of the vector is the x position, and the second component acts as the y position. It is useful to use vectors for this because often you want to do calculations on the position as a whole and not necessarily on the individual components. Vectors support many of the regular operators such as addition (+), which makes them easy to work with. Here are some expressions using vectors:
Expression | Result |
(3, 4) | (3, 4) |
(3, 4) + (5, 6) | (8, 10) |
(3, 4) * (5, 6) | (15, 24) |
(3, 4) / 2 | (1.5, 2) |
10 * (3, 4) | (30, 40) |
first((3, 4)) | 3 |
second((3, 4)) | 4 |
if(true, (4, 4), (5, 5)) | (4, 4) |
(5, 5) == (5, 5) | true |
mouse | (234, 167) |
screenSize | (1200, 960) |
A couple of properties require a color type, such as the property fill color used by rectangle and circle objects. There is no syntax for colors like with numbers (where you input digits to create a number) or like vectors (where you put numbers between parenthesis), colors can only be obtained by getting the result of a function. Colors do not support most of the basic operators, what would blue / 2 even mean? Here are some expressions which use colors:
Expression | Result |
rgb(255, 255, 255) | rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) |
rgb(first(mouse), 0, 0) | rgba(103, 0, 0, 1) |
rgba(50, 0, 122, 0.5) | rgba(50, 0, 122, 0.5) |
lerp(rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(0, 255, 0), 0.5) | rgba(128, 128, 0, 1) |
A collection of characters in between quotes. An example of a property that needs a string is the subtitles property of the camera object. It shows the resulting string to the user as a subtitle. Strings support some operators like addition (+) but not subtraction (-). If you want to use a double quote character inside a string you need to put a backslash (\) before it or use single quotes., otherwise it would be interpreted as the end of a string. Here are some examples:
Expression | Result |
"Hello World" | "Hello World" |
"So I said 'Hello'" | "So I said 'Hello'" |
"So I said \"Hello\"" | "So I said "Hello"" |
"The number is " + 5 | "The number is 5" |
length("coconut") | 7 |
"sheep" != "cow" | true |
if(true, "yes", "no") | "yes" |
openLinkNewTab("https://moos.app.app") | action... |
Where a number has infinite possible values a boolean has only two, true and false. This makes them great to use as a switch. Look at the examples:
Expression | Result |
true | true |
false | false |
!true | false |
!false | true |
4 != 10 | true |
if(true, 1, 2) | 1 |
an action represents something that can be "run" or "executed". The best example of this is the "on click" property that many objects contain. We want to specify what needs to happen when the object get's clicked. To do that we give it an expression that returns an action which is executed as soon as the object get's clicked. Here are some examples:
Expression | Result |
nextScene | action... |
prevScene | action... |
setScene(scene.someSceneName) | action... |
openLink("wikipedia.org") | action... |
openLinkNewTab("wikipedia.org") | action... |
You can refer to a scene by typing "scene." and then the scene name. Only scenes with names can be accessed this way. This type can only be used with one function "setScene(scene.someSceneName)" which returns an action which transitions into the specified scene when the action is executed. This can be useful if you want to make a button which brings the user to another scene.
Here are some common expressions and their explanations:
setScene(scene.someSceneName) | Returns an action that transitions the user to the scene named "someSceneName" when executed. |
OpenLink("wikipedia.org") | Navigate the page to https://wikipedia.org when the action is executed. |
screen((0, 0)) | Get the project coordinates at the top left of the screen. If you set this as an expression for a position property the object will stay at the top left of the screen even when the camera moves. |
screen(screenSize / 2) | Same as above but use the middle of the screen instead of the top left. |
time / 100 | Resulting value is increased with 10 each second. If used with rotation the object will rotate 10 degrees per second. |
sin(time / 1000) * 5 | Returns a number that alternates slowly between 5 and -5 over time. |
Imagine a presentation, on each click you advance to the next slide. That is a case where we use scenes, place them in order, add navigation, add shortcuts and add visual cues about the progress. This is what we call the "Presentation" behavior. The other behaviors stitch scenes together in different ways to lead to a different experience for the user. To really get a feel for what these behaviors do it's best to just try them out.
Each scene in a track with a "Standalone" behavior stands on its own. You could use this to show an animation with which the user cannot interact.
Start with the first scene and transition to the next when the user clicks the right side of the screen. Clicking the left side transitions to the previous scene. The user can also use the arrow keys to navigate between the scenes.
For this behavior you need to place the camera of each scene into a different position. The user will start at the first scene and will be able to "drag" itself in the direction of another scene. When the user releases it's pointer the viewport will transition to the camera position that is closest at that point.
The user is presented with a scrollable text area (location depending on screen size) and a different scene is shown depending on which text section the user is looking at. To insert the text go into track settings and click "scene" to add a divider. All text before the first divider is matched to the first scene, text before the second divider is matched to the second scene and so on.
The user can scroll through an article consisting of several sections. Between each of those sections a scene is shown. To insert the text go into track settings and click "scene" to add a divider. All text before the first divider is matched to the first scene, text before the second divider is matched to the second scene and so on.
For this behavior you need to place the camera of each scene into a different position. The user starts on the first scene and is able to pan and zoom around the map. It can use the mouse, one/two fingers or shortcuts to do that. If the viewport gets close to the camera position of another scene it will transition into that scene, the viewport position will not change.
By hovering with the mouse or by rotating your phone this behavior will interpolate between the first and the second scene. You can use this for interesting depth effects or subtle animation. Scenes after the second are not used.
All scenes are stacked onto each other. The user can scroll from the first scene down to the last scene while the scenes are smoothly transitioned. The transitioning is linked to the scroll bar.
The user starts on the first scene and can scroll horizontally to the next one while the transition is linked to the scroll position. The user can also use arrow keys or "grab" the screen to scroll.
This behavior is perfect for product pages. The user scrolls through a text which blends in with the page. The transitions between scenes are driven by the scroll position.
Embed this track behavior into an iframe on your website and drive it using the following javascript code:
const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe') iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({moosExternalProgress: 0.56}, '*')
"moosExternalProgress" must be a value between 0 and 1 where 0 will show the first scene and 1 the last.
To test this behavior you can change the track behavior to Vertical Scroll and check how that feels.
On the homepage the following piece of code is used to embed a project inside a website
<style> main { height: 600vh; /* How long you want to scroll */ position: relative; /* iframe.offsetTop relative to this container */ } main iframe { position: sticky; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100vh; border: 0; } </style> <main> <iframe src="project.html"></iframe> </main> <script> const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe') document.addEventListener('scroll', () => { const {y, height} = iframe.getBoundingClientRect() // Only update when the iframe is visible if(y < 0 || y > height) return // calculate progress const mainHeight = document.querySelector('main').offsetHeight const p = iframe.offsetTop / (mainHeight - height) // send progress to iframe iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({moosExternalProgress: p}, '*') }) </script>
In the application ctrl+c and ctrl+v can be used for copy and paste. There are multiple things you can copy that seem similar but work in a slightly different way. There are three things that can be selected and copied which are:
Properties and keyframes can only be selected if objects are selected. If you selected properties and/or keyframes one of the following will happen:
What is selected | What happens |
0 properties, 0 keyframes | Unique objects with their properties are copied at the current time. You can use this to copy specific objects to another scene. You can also copy the exact state of an object and its properties at one time to another. |
0 properties, 1+ keyframes | All selected keyframes are copied for the unique objects. Use this to copy all or some keyframes from one scene to the same object in another scene. |
1+ properties, 0 keyframes | Selected properties are copied at the current time. Use this to copy a property from one object at a specific time to another object which has the same property. You could for example copy the position of one object at time 1.3s to the position property of another object at time 2s. |
1+ properties, 1+ keyframes | The selected keyframes of the selected properties are copied. Use this to copy the selected keyframes of one property to the same property of another object. You could for example copy the rotation animation (which exists of several keyframes) to another object that also has a rotation property. |
To select all objects, first select none (ctrl+shift+a one or two times) and then select all (ctrl+a). Pressing all when objects are selected will result in selecting the neighbor objects, or if neighbor objects are already selected children will be selected.
Select one property/keyframe and then do a select all (ctrl+a).
Pressing "select none" will first deselect all properties and keyframes. If those are already deselected "select none" will deselect all objects.
The paste will only affect selected items. If you copy position and rotation properties and then paste when only position is selected only position will be pasted. If no properties are selected on paste both position and rotation would be written. The same is true for pasting keyframes.
In most design programs you can copy + paste to duplicate an object. In this application this would just overwrite the same object. To duplicate use the dedicated duplicate action (ctrl+d).
When activated many actions apply to all scenes instead of just the one now shown. When removing an object when global mode is on the object will be removed from the whole project. If you move an object the position of the object will be updated in all other scenes as well (if that object exists in a scene).
What often happens is that you've got an object that exists in several scenes with different positions in each scene. Say you want to change the color of this object, it would be cumbersome to go over each scene and change the object color. What you can do instead is activate global mode and change the color of the object once.
There are a couple of ways to share projects with other people.
In the project settings you can click "Publish to public", this will create a link for you. Anybody with that link can view the project.
The app allows exporting a standalone html file. Opening this html file will show you the project. You could also place it on a server for others to access.
If you want to preserve a copy of a project or you want other moos.app users to edit a copy of your project you can export a .moos-project file. You or someone else can import this file in the project manager.
When a project is embedded as an iframe you can send it values. To do that edit some properties so they contain the following expression:
Then on the page that contains the iframe add some Javascript:
const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe') iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({numberValue: 123}, '*')
The value returned by the externalValue function will return 123 in this case.
This application implements features that make it easier for people with some disabilities to view your project.
Some people experience motion sickness or prefer reduced motion in general. These people can enable "reduce motion" settings in their os. Moos.app respects this setting automatically, no action is needed on your part.
People that have reduced eyesight often use screen readers to read the page. To help these people consider doing the following:
The device where you want to login and the device where you read your email do not need to be the same device. After giving the login page your email and session name, keep it open. You can open the login email on another device and click the login link there.
If you clicked a login link in an email accidently you can click the revoke session link in the same email to revoke that session. You can also revoke other sessions in the project manager settings.
By default the "remember me" option will be checked. That means that projects are saved for offline use. If you don't want this to happen because you are on a public computer for example uncheck the "remember me" checkbox. No data will then be stored on that computer after you close the browser window.
These can be found in the project manager settings.
Sometimes you will notice that the curves of a polyline or polygon is divided into segments. To make these curves round again you can use the search->Fix curve subdivisions function. Select the polylines and polygons you want to alter, zoom in to the level in which you want the curves to appear round and then execute search -> Fix curve subdivisions. Zooming in too far puts unnecessary strain on performance.